Übersicht der offenen Stellen nach Berufsgruppen

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Stellendetail 26746
StellenbezeichnungAssociate Director, FX Rates & Sovereign Credit
Das Unternehmen
Aufgabengebiet- Responsible for creating investment strategies & ideas and conducting the execution within the mandate of the team (fixed income, rates, FX.) - Overall Portfolio Management and delivering optimization suggestions. - Focusing on the research perspective and keep the team up to date on economic themes and specific areas of interest (including reports drafting and presentations). - Close interaction with other departments and represents the team and the Group to other stakeholders.
Anforderungen- Responsible for creating investment strategies & ideas and conducting the execution within the mandate of the team (fixed income, rates, FX) - Overall Portfolio Management and delivering optimization suggestions - Focusing on the research perspective and keep the team up to date on economic themes and specific areas of interest (including reports drafting and presentations) - Train and mentor other team members in various areas (products, themes, markets etc.) - Close interaction with other departments and represents the team and the Group to other stakeholders
SpracheDeutsch (M: Sehr Gut, S: Sehr Gut)
Englisch (M: Sehr Gut, S: Sehr Gut)
InformatikWord (Gut)
Excel (Gut)
KontaktArbeitsmarkt Service
Jessika Haas
Poststrasse 1
9494 Schaan
Anzahl gleicher Stellen1

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